In case you missed it, I have a new website! Wheeeee!!!
Here is the link:
There you will find the daily schedules and other posts. Bookmark the site and come visit often - updates daily!
I will be adding pages in the coming weeks which will highlight contests in your area, so keep an eye out for THAT! Imagine winning a gift certificate to a restaurant just down the street, or your favourite coffee shop, or the theatre in your neighbourhood! Awesome!!!
Here are direct links to the posts you might like:
Rock 101's $10,000 Mystery Laughs contest clues and guesses here.
JRFM's You Say It, We Pay It contest post is here.
Jack. FM's Win at Work info and registration is here.
If you're confused about the QMFM/Virgin shake up, commiserate with the post here.
If you would like to join us on FaceBook for even MORE contests, you will find us here.
If you would like to contact me, you can do that at
As always, GOOD LUCK!
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Saturday, 22 March 2014
You say it, JRFM pays it!
Squeeeeeeeee!!! This is so fun! And hard. Here's why:
- the first thing you have to do is tell them how much money you need (want!) The maximum is $9,999. The temptation is to ask for the maximum, but I'd be worried that asking for it would make me seem greedy. If you ask for only what you NEED though, that defeats the purpose of the contest - FUN! So ask for what you WANT! Be brazen! Be honest! Be greedy! We understand...
- you only get 100 characters to tell them what you want the money for. 100 characters!!! I've already used 100 in this post! I suggest you use point form if there's more than one thing you want the money for... For example:
~boob job
- you only get 150 characters to tell them WHY you want it. 150!! GAH! Make it short but make it memorable. For example (as related to above):
~I miss chewing
~the fishing is better off shore
~I need to get away from/revisit my family
~I need a confidence boost
- once you have submitted your entry (must sign up to be an Online Insider, it's free and they don't send you crap), now you listen at 7, 11, 2, 5, and 7 from Monday the 31st to Friday April 4th. If for some reason you can't listen at some of those times, send me an email with your phone number and I will call you if I hear your name. (People wonder why I offer to do this for strangers and I say "why WOULDN'T you? I'd want someone to do it for me. Do unto others, etc.") So if you need some help, I'm happy to help:
- once they call your name, you have 9 minutes and 37 seconds to call them back. This gives your friends (or me) about 4 minutes to call you, and gives you 5.5 minutes to steady your hands and fumble with your phone to dial 604-280-9370.
- once you're in, that only means you are QUALIFIED to win. Which means that your entry will be up on their site and you have to get your friends to vote for your entry. Some nice strangers may vote too, though at this point there's no incentive for them to vote at all... maybe all voters should be put in a draw for some concert tickets to entice them to vote? But ask your friends to vote just in case...
Voting opens Friday night, April 8th, at 8 pm. You can vote ONCE per hour per entry (so you can vote for 3 different entries every hour if you want) until 8 am. If you stayed up all day and all night to vote for yourself, you would amass 60 votes. If we get into the final round, this will be my husband's job...heh, heh...
If everyone whose name is called manages to call back within the allotted time, there will be 25 entries in the final round. Those are incredible odds for such a BIG prize! There's a 1 in 25 chance that you could win what you asked for! CRAZY!!! If someone doesn't call back, the odds are even better!
Things you need to know:
- must be 19 to enter
- one entry per person (don't use a different email address to enter again)
- BC residents only
I will be following this game closely, and tweeting all the names that are called. You can follow me on Twitter (@ContestsVan) or watch my FaceBook page ( for updates. If you want to send me your name and phone number, you can PM me on FB, send a DM on Twitter, or shoot me an email at
Now I must begin planning my entry carefully... this contest should not be entered in haste. The Waking Crew's discerning taste will determine whose entry will be read - make it clever! No one wants to hear about your broken heart, health problems, or the loss of your home, family, leg, etc. As sad and serious as those are, this contest is meant to be uplifting! So while you WILL be using the money to buy an iron lung, just tell them that you will be using the money for hiring the salvage divers to bring up the DeLorean you drove into the lake when you were 15. Or whatever.
Good luck!
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Fresh Friday, the 21st
Sooooo... did you hear someone win $10,000 on Rock 101 today??? That was so exciting! I wouldn't have won if I'd gotten through (and I tried and tried!), I had the wrong answer.
But now that I'm more familiar with the game, I will be following along right from the start - tomorrow morning! At 7 am Willy will give a clue, at 8 (or shortly after) will be the first round of guesses. I will listen closely and write down all guesses in order, the number that are right, and any comments made. Hopefully with more information I will have a better shot at the money! Man, $10,000 would really help get me out of this deep hole I'm drowning in!! LOL! And I will keep YOU in the loop too, so check in now and then... I will also be recording the laughs, so I will post a link to the recordings for repeated listening! Haha!
Here is the list of online contests you can enter this week. Remember to only enter if you haven't won anything else from that station in the past 30 days (or 60 days for Peak and JRFM). Also you can't win on any Bell Media station if you've won on one in the past 30 days. Shitty....
The Major Contests Overview for the week is here. A few new things, a few insights...
5-9 - JRFM, Clay's vehicle testimonial (4 tickets to International Auto Show)
5:40 - JRFM, Secret Word (JRFM swag)
6:05 - QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (tickets to Cirque du Soleil's Totem)
6:05 - QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (tickets to Cirque du Soleil's Totem)
6:30 - CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
7-8 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Eric Paslay - Friday Night)
7-9 - JRFM, Secret Word is said (4 tickets to Fly Over Canada)
7:00 - Virgin, codeword (text it to 99999 for $250)
7:00 - Virgin, codeword (text it to 99999 for $250)
7:00 - QMFM, Tix to Backstreet Boys
7:00 - Virgin, Backstreet Boys tix
7:30 - Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:40 - Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 - Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
8:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 - Shore, Phillip Phillip tix
8:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
8:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 - JRFM, BIG contest announcement (SO excited about this!!)
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
8:20 - Jack, No Time to Google
9:15 - Peak, tickets to Mounties
9:40 - Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
10 - 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Here Without You - 3 Doors Down)
10:15 - Peak, tix to Fitz and the Tantrums
11-12 - JRFM, Wicked Song (Sara Evans - Born to Fly)
11:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
11:10 - Sonic, Backstreet Boys tix
11-11:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Don't You Forgot About Me - Simple Minds)
11:40 - Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
12:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
12:15 - JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 to Subway)
1-2 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Eric Paslay - Friday Night)
2:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
2-2:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Bitter Sweet Symphony - The Verve)
2:15 - Peak, $50 for food and drinks at Hard Rock Casino
2:40 - Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
3:09 - QMFM, Phillip Phillips tix
3:15 - Peak, New Order tix
4:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
4:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 - Sonic, qualify for a trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
4-5 - JRFM, U-Turn traffic update (4 passes to Fly Over Canada)
4:40 - Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
5-6 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Eric Paslay - Friday Night)
5:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 - Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 - Shore, Phillip Phillip tix
5:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
6:40 - Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
8:15 - Peak, tix to see St. Vincent
9-10 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Eric Paslay - Friday Night)
As ever, good luck!
Thursday March 20th
Survivor was soooo good! I love a good blindside… Heh, heh.
Here is the list of online contests you can enter this week. Remember to only enter if you haven’t won anything else from that station in the past 30 days (or 60 days for Peak and JRFM). Also you can’t win on any Bell Media station if you’ve won on one in the past 30 days. Shitty….
The Major Contests Overview for the week is here. A few new things, a few insights…
5-9 – JRFM, Clay’s vehicle testimonial (4 tickets to International Auto Show)
5:40 – JRFM, Secret Word (JRFM swag)
6-7 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Brantley Gilbert – You Don’t Know Her Like I Do)
6:05 – QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (tickets to Cirque du Soleil’s Totem)
6:30 – CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
7-9 – JRFM, Secret Word is said (4 tickets to Fly Over Canada)
7:00 – QMFM, Tix to Backstreet Boys
7:00 – Virgin, Backstreet Boys tix
7:30 – Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:40 – Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
8:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 – Shore, Phillip Phillip tix
8:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
8:09 – QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
8:10 – Beat, $15,000 to caller 94
8:20 – Jack, No Time to Google
9-10 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Brantley Gilbert – You Don’t Know Her Like I Do)
9:15 – Peak, tickets to Mounties
9:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
10 – 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Legs by ZZTop)
10-11 – JRFM, Wicked Song (The Band Perry – Done)
10:15 – Peak, tix to Fitz and the Tantrums
11:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
11:10 – Sonic, Backstreet Boys tix
11-11:30 – Jack, Win at Work name (after Black Horse and the Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall)
11:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
12:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
12:15 – JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 to Subway)
2-3 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Brantley Gilbert – You Don’t Know Her Like I Do)
2:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
2-2:30 – Jack, Win at Work name (after Rocket Man by Elton John)
2:15 – Peak, $50 for food and drinks at Hard Rock Casino
2:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
3:09 – QMFM, Phillip Phillips tix
3:15 – Peak, New Order tix
4:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
4:09 – QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 – Sonic, qualify for a trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
4-5 – JRFM, U-Turn traffic update (4 passes to Fly Over Canada)
4:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
5:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 – Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 – Shore, Phillip Phillip tix
5:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
6-7 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Brantley Gilbert – You Don’t Know Her Like I Do)
6:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
8:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
8:15 – Peak, tix to see St. Vincent
5:40 – JRFM, Secret Word (JRFM swag)
6-7 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Brantley Gilbert – You Don’t Know Her Like I Do)
6:05 – QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (tickets to Cirque du Soleil’s Totem)
6:30 – CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
7-9 – JRFM, Secret Word is said (4 tickets to Fly Over Canada)
7:00 – QMFM, Tix to Backstreet Boys
7:00 – Virgin, Backstreet Boys tix
7:30 – Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:40 – Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
8:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 – Shore, Phillip Phillip tix
8:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
8:09 – QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
8:10 – Beat, $15,000 to caller 94
8:20 – Jack, No Time to Google
9-10 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Brantley Gilbert – You Don’t Know Her Like I Do)
9:15 – Peak, tickets to Mounties
9:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
10 – 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Legs by ZZTop)
10-11 – JRFM, Wicked Song (The Band Perry – Done)
10:15 – Peak, tix to Fitz and the Tantrums
11:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
11:10 – Sonic, Backstreet Boys tix
11-11:30 – Jack, Win at Work name (after Black Horse and the Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall)
11:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
12:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
12:15 – JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 to Subway)
2-3 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Brantley Gilbert – You Don’t Know Her Like I Do)
2:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
2-2:30 – Jack, Win at Work name (after Rocket Man by Elton John)
2:15 – Peak, $50 for food and drinks at Hard Rock Casino
2:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
3:09 – QMFM, Phillip Phillips tix
3:15 – Peak, New Order tix
4:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
4:09 – QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 – Sonic, qualify for a trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
4-5 – JRFM, U-Turn traffic update (4 passes to Fly Over Canada)
4:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
5:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 – Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 – Shore, Phillip Phillip tix
5:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
6-7 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Brantley Gilbert – You Don’t Know Her Like I Do)
6:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
8:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
8:15 – Peak, tix to see St. Vincent
As ever, good luck!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Survivor Wednesday, the 19th
Yes, I still watch Survivor… *sigh*…
Here is the list of online contests you can enter this week. Remember to only enter if you haven’t won anything else from that station in the past 30 days (or 60 days for Peak and JRFM). Also you can’t win on any Bell Media station if you’ve won on one in the past 30 days. Shitty….
The Major Contests Overview for the week is here. A few new things, a few insights…
5-9 – JRFM, Clay’s vehicle testimonial (4 tickets to International Auto Show)
5:40 – JRFM, Secret Word (JRFM swag)
6:05 – QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (tickets to Cirque du Soleil’s Totem)
6:30 – CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
7-8 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Luke Bryan-Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye)
7-9 – JRFM, Secret Word is said (4 tickets to Fly Over Canada)
7:00 – QMFM, Tix to Backstreet Boys
7:00 – Virgin, Backstreet Boys tix
7:30 – Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:40 – Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
8:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 – Shore, Phillip Phillip tix
8:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
8:09 – QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
8:20 – Jack, No Time to Google
9:00 – CFOX, concert announcement and tix
9:15 – Peak, tickets to Mounties
9:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
10 – 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Smooth by Santana and Rob Thomas)
10:15 – Peak, tix to Fitz and the Tantrums
11:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
11:10 – Sonic, Backstreet Boys tix
11-11:30 – Jack, Win at Work name (after Rio by Duran Duran)
11:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
12-1 – JRFM, Wicked Song (Miranda Lambert’s Fastest Girl in Town)
12:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
12:15 – JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 to Subway)
1-2 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Luke Bryan-Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye)
2:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
2-2:30 – Jack, Win at Work name (after Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye)
2:15 – Peak, $50 for food and drinks at Hard Rock Casino
2:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
3:09 – QMFM, Phillip Phillips tix
3:15 – Peak, New Order tix
4:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
4:09 – QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 – Sonic, qualify for a trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
4-5 – JRFM, U-Turn traffic update (4 passes to Fly Over Canada)
4:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
5:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 – Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 – Shore, Phillip Phillip tix
5:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
5-6 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Luke Bryan-Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye)
6:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
8:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
8:15 – Peak, tix to see St. Vincent
10-11 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Luke Bryan-Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye)
5:40 – JRFM, Secret Word (JRFM swag)
6:05 – QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (tickets to Cirque du Soleil’s Totem)
6:30 – CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
7-8 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Luke Bryan-Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye)
7-9 – JRFM, Secret Word is said (4 tickets to Fly Over Canada)
7:00 – QMFM, Tix to Backstreet Boys
7:00 – Virgin, Backstreet Boys tix
7:30 – Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:40 – Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
8:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 – Shore, Phillip Phillip tix
8:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
8:09 – QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
8:20 – Jack, No Time to Google
9:00 – CFOX, concert announcement and tix
9:15 – Peak, tickets to Mounties
9:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
10 – 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Smooth by Santana and Rob Thomas)
10:15 – Peak, tix to Fitz and the Tantrums
11:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
11:10 – Sonic, Backstreet Boys tix
11-11:30 – Jack, Win at Work name (after Rio by Duran Duran)
11:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
12-1 – JRFM, Wicked Song (Miranda Lambert’s Fastest Girl in Town)
12:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
12:15 – JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 to Subway)
1-2 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Luke Bryan-Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye)
2:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
2-2:30 – Jack, Win at Work name (after Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye)
2:15 – Peak, $50 for food and drinks at Hard Rock Casino
2:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
3:09 – QMFM, Phillip Phillips tix
3:15 – Peak, New Order tix
4:00 – CFOX, Every Second Counts
4:09 – QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 – Sonic, qualify for a trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
4-5 – JRFM, U-Turn traffic update (4 passes to Fly Over Canada)
4:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
5:00 – Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 – Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 – Shore, Phillip Phillip tix
5:00 – Rock 101, Famous Laughs
5-6 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Luke Bryan-Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye)
6:40 – Jack, qualify for a Lamborghini experience in California
8:10 – Sonic, qualify for trip to LA to see Justin Timberlake
8:15 – Peak, tix to see St. Vincent
10-11 – JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Luke Bryan-Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye)
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Monday, St. Patrick's Day
This post can be seen on my website here. I prefer the layout there myself, but if you prefer this blogspot one, read on!
OMG, I'm so glad it's Monday! Here's why:
OMG, I'm so glad it's Monday! Here's why:
1) it means I don't have to work (four days off! Woot!!)
2) my kids are on Spring Break and we get to do whole bunches of nothing.
3) I have the chance to win some cool stuff!
5-9 - JRFM, Clay's vehicle testimonial (4 tickets to International Auto Show)
5:40 - JRFM, Secret Word (JRFM swag)
6:05 - QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (tickets to Cirque du Soleil's Totem)
6:30 - CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
7-8 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Florida Georgia Line-Get Your Shine On)
7-9 - JRFM, Secret Word is said (4 tickets to Fly Over Canada)
7-9 - QMFM, Tix to Backstreet Boys
7:30 - Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:40 - Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
8:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 - Shore, concert announcement and tickets
8:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
8:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to ??
8:20 - Jack, No Time to Google
9:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix (?)
9:15 - Peak, tickets to Steam Whistle Unsigned Indie Music Series
9:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to ?
10 - 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5)
10-11 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Florida Georgia Line-Get Your Shine On)
11:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix (?)
11:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
11-11:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Jessie's Girl - Rick Springfield)
11-12 - JRFM, Wicked song (Carrie Underwood - Good Girl)
11:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to ?
12:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to ??
12:15 - JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 to Subway)
2:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix (?)
2:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
2-2:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Learn to Fly - Foo Fighters)
2-3 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Florida Georgia Line-Get Your Shine On)
2:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to ?
3:09 - QMFM, Phillip Phillips tix
4:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
4:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 - Sonic, qualify for a trip to ??
4-5 - JRFM, U-Turn traffic update (4 passes to Fly Over Canada)
4:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to ?
5:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 - Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix (?)
5:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
6:15 - Peak, tix to Lana Del Rey
6:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to ?
7:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix (?)
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to ??
9-10 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Florida Georgia Line-Get Your Shine On)
As ever, good luck!
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Thursday, March 13th
I am exhausted. I have been doing manual labour for two days and my feet and legs and back and arms are killing me! I have so much respect for people who work so hard all day, every day! In case you're interested, I'm helping to set up the TED talks at the Convention Centre. We unloaded 5 trucks of furniture during my 8 hour shift, and the guys were still working hard when I left! *groan* I need a foot massage...
***I will be MIA from 7:00 - 3:00 so please listen for your name on Jack at 10:10, 11:10, and 2-2:30 ***
The contests you can enter on line you can find here.
An overview of this week's big contests is here.
5:40 - JRFM, Secret Word (4 pack passes to Playdome at BC Place on Spring Break)
6:05 - QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (Tix to Queen feat. Adam Lambert)
6:30 - CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
6:50 - Jack, Like a Version (Queen tickets!)
7-8 - JRFM, Stagecoach song of the day (Florida Georgia Line-This Is How We Roll)
7-9 - JRFM, Secret Word is said (tix to Blue Man Group)
7:00 - Rock 101, Queen tix!
7:30 - Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:40 - Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
8:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
8:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
8:20 - Jack, No Time to Google ($50 to Kings Head Pub in Kits)
9:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
9-2 - JRFM, tix to Watershed Festival at Gorge
9:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas
10 - 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Are You Gonna Go My Way by Lenny Kravitz)
11:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
11:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
11-12 - JRFM, Stagecoach song of the day (Florida Georgia Line-This Is How We Roll)
11-11:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer)
11:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
12:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
12:15 - JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 to Subway)
2:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
2:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
2-2:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Blow Me One Last Kiss by Pink)
2:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
3-4 - JRFM, Stagecoach song of the day (Florida Georgia Line-This Is How We Roll)
4:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
4:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 - Sonic, qualify for a trip to Vegas for Spring Break
4-5 - JRFM, U-Turn traffic update (tix to International Auto Show)
4:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
5:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 - Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
5:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
6-12 - JRFM, 100 Mile Diet gift basket from BC Greenhouse Growers' Association
6:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
7:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
8:15 - Peak, $50 for food and drinks at Hard Rock Casino
9:15 - Peak, tix to see Steam Whistle Unsigned at Biltmore
10-11 - JRFM, Stagecoach song of the day (Florida Georgia Line-This Is How We Roll)
As ever, good luck!
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Wednesday the 12th
***I will be MIA from 6:30 - 3:30 so please listen for your name on Jack at 10:10, 11:10, and 2:10 ***
The contests you can enter on line you can find here.
An overview of this week's big contests is here.
5:40 - JRFM, Secret Word (4 pack passes to Playdome at BC Place on Spring Break)
6-7 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Eric Church-Springsteen)
6:05 - QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (Tix to Queen feat. Adam Lambert)
6:30 - CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
6:50 - Jack, Like a Version (Queen tickets!)
7-8 - JRFM, Stagecoach song of the day (Luke Bryan-Drunk On You)
7-9 - JRFM, Secret Word is said (tix to Blue Man Group)
7:00 - Rock 101, Queen tix!
7:30 - Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:40 - Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
8:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
8:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
8:20 - Jack, No Time to Google ($50 to Kings Head Pub in Kits)
9:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
9-10 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Eric Church-Springsteen)
9-2 - JRFM, tix to Watershed Festival at Gorge
9:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas
10 - 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Take the Long Way Home by Supertramp)
11:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
11:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
11-11:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Dream by Cranberries)
11:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
12:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
12:15 - JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 to Subway)
2:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
2:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
2-2:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Panama by Van Halen)
2:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
4:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
4-5 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Eric Church-Springsteen)
4:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 - Sonic, qualify for a trip to Vegas for Spring Break
4-5 - JRFM, U-Turn traffic update (tix to International Auto Show)
4:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
5:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 - Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
5:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
6-12 - JRFM, 100 Mile Diet gift basket from BC Greenhouse Growers' Association
6:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
7:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
8:15 - Peak, $50 for food and drinks at Hard Rock Casino
9-10 - JRFM, Stagecoach Song of the Day (Eric Church-Springsteen)
9:15 - Peak, tix to see Steam Whistle Unsigned at Biltmore
As ever, good luck!
Tuesday, March 11th
Welcome, Tuesday! TGINMA! (= Thank god it's not Monday anymore)
*** I will be MIA from 8:30-3:30, so please listen for your name on Jack at 10:10, 11:10, and 2:10 ***
The contests you can enter on line you can find here.
5:40 - JRFM, Secret Word (4 pack passes to Playdome at BC Place on Spring Break)
6:05 - QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (Tix to Queen feat. Adam Lambert)
6:30 - CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
6:50 - Jack, Like a Version (Queen tickets!)
7-8 - JRFM, Stagecoach song of the day (Luke Bryan-Drunk On You)
7-9 - JRFM, Secret Word is said (tix to Blue Man Group)
7:00 - Rock 101, Queen tix!
7:30 - Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:40 - Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
8:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
8:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
8:20 - Jack, No Time to Google
9:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
9-2 - JRFM, tix to Watershed Festival at Gorge
9:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas
10 - 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Rolling in the Deep by Adele)
10-11 - JRFM, Stagecoach song of the day (Luke Bryan-Drunk On You)
11:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
11:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
11-11:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after The Heart of Rock and Roll by Huey Lewis and the News)
11:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
12:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
12:15 - JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 to Subway)
2:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
2:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
2-2:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Shine by Collective Soul)
2-3 - JRFM, Stagecoach song of the day (Luke Bryan-Drunk On You)
2:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
4:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
4:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 - Sonic, qualify for a trip to Vegas for Spring Break
4-5 - JRFM, U-Turn traffic update (tix to International Auto Show)
4:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
5:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 - Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
5:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
6-7 - JRFM, Stagecoach song of the day (Luke Bryan-Drunk On You)
6-12 - JRFM, 100 Mile Diet gift basket from BC Greenhouse Growers' Association
6:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
7:00 - Peak, Kings of Leon tix
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
8:15 - Peak, tix to see Steam Whistle Unsigned at Biltmore
As ever, good luck!
Monday, 10 March 2014
Monday, March 10th
This was copied and pasted from the new site CONTESTSVAN.COM, so the links don't work. I can make them work if anyone needs me to, like if for some reason you can't get onto the new site. Just tweet or Fb or email me:
The contests you can enter on line you can find <a href="">here</a>.
The contests you can enter on line you can find <a href="">here</a>.
An overview of this week's big contests is <a href="">here</a>.
Monday is loaded with fun stuff. The Queen and Blue Man Group tickets would be super!
Unfortunately JRFM hasn't updated their Stagecoach songs list yet, but once that's done I will add them to the schedule below.
5:40 - JRFM, Secret Word (4 pack passes to Playdome at BC Place on Spring Break)
6:05 - QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (Tix to Queen feat. Adam Lambert)
6:30 - CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
6:50 - Jack, Like a Version (Queen tickets!)
7-9 - JRFM, Secret Word is said (tix to Blue Man Group)
7:00 - Rock 101, Queen tix!
7:30 - Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:40 - Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
8:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
8:00 - Stagecoach song of the Day, Dan and Shaye-19 You and Me
8:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
8:20 - Jack, No Time to Google
9:00 - Peak, Totem tix
9-2 - JRFM, tix to Watershed Festival at Gorge
9:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas
10 - 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Owner of a Lonely Heart by YES)
11:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 - Peak, Totem tix
11:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
11:00 - Stagecoach song of the Day, Dan and Shaye-19 You and Me
11-11:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after It's My Life by No Doubt)
11:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
12:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
12:15 - JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 to Subway)
2:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 - Peak, Totem tix
2:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
2-2:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after My Sharona by The Knack)
2:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
3:00 - Stagecoach song of the Day, Dan and Shaye-19 You and Me
3:15 - Peak, $50 to Hard Rock Casino
4:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
4:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 - Sonic, qualify for a trip to Vegas for Spring Break
4-5 - JRFM, U-Turn traffic update (tix to International Auto Show)
4:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
5:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 - Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 - Peak, Totem tix
5:00 - Rock 101, Famous Laughs
6-12 - JRFM, 100 Mile Diet gift basket from BC Greenhouse Growers' Association
6:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
7:00 - Peak, Totem tix
8:00 - Stagecoach song of the Day, Dan and Shaye-19 You and Me
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to ?
As ever, good luck!
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
New website!
Yesterday I finally got a REAL website! All my own!! Sooooo exciting!!!
I will be posting the daily schedule there from now on, so please bookmark it.
I hope to post LOTS of local contests there, on top of all the radio ones. The Home Page is just a bunch of pictures, and you just click on a picture to go to that blog post. Or you can choose from the list along the left side.
Other contests can be found on my FaceBook page - look for Contests Vancouver under "Community. Pages".
The radio contests are still my favourite, of course!
If for some reason the new website good, I will go back to using blogspot. Until then, meet me over there!
I will be posting the daily schedule there from now on, so please bookmark it.
I hope to post LOTS of local contests there, on top of all the radio ones. The Home Page is just a bunch of pictures, and you just click on a picture to go to that blog post. Or you can choose from the list along the left side.
Other contests can be found on my FaceBook page - look for Contests Vancouver under "Community. Pages".
The radio contests are still my favourite, of course!
If for some reason the new website good, I will go back to using blogspot. Until then, meet me over there!
Monday, 3 March 2014
Enter these on line March 3-7th
Here are the things you can win without calling in. Most require signing up and logging in, but some don't.
Virgin (95.3)
- a trip for 4 to California. It's on Virgin's page and has Taylor Jukes' name on it, but it doesn't seem to actually have anything to do with Virgin Radio. You enter on Save-On's site here.
- log in to win passes to Liam Neeson's new movie here.
- passes to the Vancouver Aquarium. Enter here.
- no need to log in to enter this Whistler getaway contest, just share your Daily Dose of Happiness here!
Jack FM (96.9)
- log in and use your points to enter to win passes to see Aziz Ansari at the River Rock or tickets to Abbotsford Heat.
QMFM (103.5)
- a Harrison Hot Springs getaway. Enter here.
- tickets to Lady Antebellum. Enter here before Tuesday night!
- tickets to Rod Stewart and Santana. Log in to enter here.
- a getaway to Tofino, including ferry, accom, whale watching and dinner! Enter here!
Rock 101 (101.1)
- tickets to see Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band in concert. Enter here.
- a hot air balloon ride courtesy of RE/MAX. Enter here.
The Peak (102.7)
- Log in to enter to win tickets to see Jay Malinowski and the Deadcoast, tickets to The Firehall Arts Centre's presentation of Chelsea Hotel, a Hard Rock Casino prize pack, or movie passes.
CFOX (99.3)
- log in to win tickets to Kings of Leon, meet and greet PLUS headphones! Go here!
JRFM (93.7)
- log in here to enter to win tickets to Roots & Boots at the Hard Rock, or tickets to Belly, Baby and Kid Show.
The Beat (94.5)
- log in here to enter to win tickets to see T-Pain at Venue, movie passes, and a 3 month membership to Events and Adventures. Oh yeah, and a trip to the JUNOS!!! Cool!!!
The Team (1040)
- enter here to win 4 tickets to Abbotsford Heat plus 4 hats.
- enter here to win 4 tix to a Giants game plus a team-signed jersey.
Shore (104.3)
- log in here to win tickets to Haim at the Malkin Bowl
News 1130
- log in and use your points to enter to win a Steve Nash Fitness World 1 year membership, tix to VSO, $40 to Maurya Indian Cuisine, or Tacori stud earrings.
See the Global BC contests here.
Virgin (95.3)
- a trip for 4 to California. It's on Virgin's page and has Taylor Jukes' name on it, but it doesn't seem to actually have anything to do with Virgin Radio. You enter on Save-On's site here.
- log in to win passes to Liam Neeson's new movie here.
- passes to the Vancouver Aquarium. Enter here.
- no need to log in to enter this Whistler getaway contest, just share your Daily Dose of Happiness here!
Jack FM (96.9)
- log in and use your points to enter to win passes to see Aziz Ansari at the River Rock or tickets to Abbotsford Heat.
QMFM (103.5)
- a Harrison Hot Springs getaway. Enter here.
- tickets to Lady Antebellum. Enter here before Tuesday night!
- tickets to Rod Stewart and Santana. Log in to enter here.
- a getaway to Tofino, including ferry, accom, whale watching and dinner! Enter here!
Rock 101 (101.1)
- tickets to see Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band in concert. Enter here.
- a hot air balloon ride courtesy of RE/MAX. Enter here.
The Peak (102.7)
- Log in to enter to win tickets to see Jay Malinowski and the Deadcoast, tickets to The Firehall Arts Centre's presentation of Chelsea Hotel, a Hard Rock Casino prize pack, or movie passes.
CFOX (99.3)
- log in to win tickets to Kings of Leon, meet and greet PLUS headphones! Go here!
JRFM (93.7)
- log in here to enter to win tickets to Roots & Boots at the Hard Rock, or tickets to Belly, Baby and Kid Show.
The Beat (94.5)
- log in here to enter to win tickets to see T-Pain at Venue, movie passes, and a 3 month membership to Events and Adventures. Oh yeah, and a trip to the JUNOS!!! Cool!!!
The Team (1040)
- enter here to win 4 tickets to Abbotsford Heat plus 4 hats.
- enter here to win 4 tix to a Giants game plus a team-signed jersey.
Shore (104.3)
- log in here to win tickets to Haim at the Malkin Bowl
News 1130
- log in and use your points to enter to win a Steve Nash Fitness World 1 year membership, tix to VSO, $40 to Maurya Indian Cuisine, or Tacori stud earrings.
See the Global BC contests here.
Sunday, 2 March 2014
March 3-7th overview
Here is an overview of this week's fun. I've included a link every time you see the word "here". Except that one. :D
New this week:
Beat the Bank! Wooohooooo!!! QMFM brings back this nail-biter starting Monday at 8:09 am! If you don't get through, try again at 4:09 - but tune in to 103.5 about 5 minutes early (sometimes they do the cue to call before 4:09).
Super Dave strikes again! JRFM is sending someone to Stagecoach, the music festival in California at the end of April. Listen for the Stagecoach Song of the Day which will be played 4 times per day. Sign into your Online Insider account to find the song of the day, or follow me on Twitter and I will tweet it each morning. As if the airfare, accommodations, and festival tickets aren't enough, the winner also gets a one year lease on a Santa Fe Sport from Super Dave's Maple Ridge Hyundai! WHAT?!?! The draw will be on March 31st.
*THIS JUST IN* (sigh, all this excitement is killing me!!) JRFM is up to something else too - the best call of the week gets a SWEET getaway for 4 people to Tigh-Na-Mara Resort and Spa, including 1 hour massages. Are you freakin' KIDDING ME?!?! GAH! This is amazing, and if I didn't sound like such a fool every time I opened my mouth, I'd seriously consider calling in. But I've got nuttin'. I'm not funny, I'm not charming, I'm not topical. I can't sing or tell jokes or make good observations. But I sure look forward to hearing that call - it'll be a standout, I'm sure!
Rock 101's High School Reunion is coming up on Friday. Did you win your way in yet?? Don't fret, how's your chance! Four packs of tickets are being given away EVERY HOUR between 6 am and 6 pm.
This Monday AND next Monday, The Peak is giving away 5 pairs of tickets to Cirque du Soleil's Totem. Listen at 9, 11, 2, 5, and 7, and be ready to call 280-1027 when you hear the cue. But ONLY on Monday!
Sonic will have a new destination to qualify for, I look forward to hearing what it is.
And from last week:
Every Second Counts? Yes, it does! At 8, 12, and 4 on CFOX. They will play a song, and as soon as you think you know it yell STOP! You have 5 seconds to name it. If you get it right, you win the prize amount. But hurry - it starts at $1000 and goes down quickly. Details here.
Are you a Gold Digger? We are about to find out! Four times per day on Virgin 95.3, be caller 9 after the cue to call and you will get a chance to prove it. The prize amounts will only go UP and if you yell STOP before the dynamite blows, you win the last cash amount. I love, love, looooove this game! I've played it twice, won once. That $800 paid a lot of bills!!!
It's the last week to qualify for Breakfast in Barbados courtesy of The Beat. They will take 5 names per day and Friday March 7th, around 4:30(ish), a winner will be announced. You could win the trip which takes place April 5-13th, and includes accommodations (but not meals) plus tickets to a concert on the 10th (Pitbull, Enrique, and MAGIC!). EEEEK!!! More details here. All qualifiers will automatically win $100 cash and a $50 Blenz gift card.
Jack?? Ooooohhhh Jack... Their Super Secret Win at Work contest is happening right through till April, and if you haven't registered yet then you just don't like money! Three times per day they nonchalantly say a listener's name, and that person has 30 minutes to call them back. They could win $100, $500, $1,000, or $5,000. WHAAAAAT?!?! Crazy!! So go and register here, then email me your name and number and I will call you if I hear your name. Easy money!!! Love it!!
On top of that, Jack is giving away 3 trips to Vegas. Get in the draw at 7:40, 9:40, 11:40, 2:40, 4:40, and 6:40. That's 96.9 on your FM radio!
New this week:
Beat the Bank! Wooohooooo!!! QMFM brings back this nail-biter starting Monday at 8:09 am! If you don't get through, try again at 4:09 - but tune in to 103.5 about 5 minutes early (sometimes they do the cue to call before 4:09).
Super Dave strikes again! JRFM is sending someone to Stagecoach, the music festival in California at the end of April. Listen for the Stagecoach Song of the Day which will be played 4 times per day. Sign into your Online Insider account to find the song of the day, or follow me on Twitter and I will tweet it each morning. As if the airfare, accommodations, and festival tickets aren't enough, the winner also gets a one year lease on a Santa Fe Sport from Super Dave's Maple Ridge Hyundai! WHAT?!?! The draw will be on March 31st.
*THIS JUST IN* (sigh, all this excitement is killing me!!) JRFM is up to something else too - the best call of the week gets a SWEET getaway for 4 people to Tigh-Na-Mara Resort and Spa, including 1 hour massages. Are you freakin' KIDDING ME?!?! GAH! This is amazing, and if I didn't sound like such a fool every time I opened my mouth, I'd seriously consider calling in. But I've got nuttin'. I'm not funny, I'm not charming, I'm not topical. I can't sing or tell jokes or make good observations. But I sure look forward to hearing that call - it'll be a standout, I'm sure!
Rock 101's High School Reunion is coming up on Friday. Did you win your way in yet?? Don't fret, how's your chance! Four packs of tickets are being given away EVERY HOUR between 6 am and 6 pm.
This Monday AND next Monday, The Peak is giving away 5 pairs of tickets to Cirque du Soleil's Totem. Listen at 9, 11, 2, 5, and 7, and be ready to call 280-1027 when you hear the cue. But ONLY on Monday!
Sonic will have a new destination to qualify for, I look forward to hearing what it is.
And from last week:
Every Second Counts? Yes, it does! At 8, 12, and 4 on CFOX. They will play a song, and as soon as you think you know it yell STOP! You have 5 seconds to name it. If you get it right, you win the prize amount. But hurry - it starts at $1000 and goes down quickly. Details here.
Are you a Gold Digger? We are about to find out! Four times per day on Virgin 95.3, be caller 9 after the cue to call and you will get a chance to prove it. The prize amounts will only go UP and if you yell STOP before the dynamite blows, you win the last cash amount. I love, love, looooove this game! I've played it twice, won once. That $800 paid a lot of bills!!!
It's the last week to qualify for Breakfast in Barbados courtesy of The Beat. They will take 5 names per day and Friday March 7th, around 4:30(ish), a winner will be announced. You could win the trip which takes place April 5-13th, and includes accommodations (but not meals) plus tickets to a concert on the 10th (Pitbull, Enrique, and MAGIC!). EEEEK!!! More details here. All qualifiers will automatically win $100 cash and a $50 Blenz gift card.
Jack?? Ooooohhhh Jack... Their Super Secret Win at Work contest is happening right through till April, and if you haven't registered yet then you just don't like money! Three times per day they nonchalantly say a listener's name, and that person has 30 minutes to call them back. They could win $100, $500, $1,000, or $5,000. WHAAAAAT?!?! Crazy!! So go and register here, then email me your name and number and I will call you if I hear your name. Easy money!!! Love it!!
On top of that, Jack is giving away 3 trips to Vegas. Get in the draw at 7:40, 9:40, 11:40, 2:40, 4:40, and 6:40. That's 96.9 on your FM radio!
Saturday, 1 March 2014
Monday Monday... March 3rd
Those contests that you don't have to phone in for, you can just enter online, are in a yet-to-be-written post. I'm going to get working on that while you set the reminders in your phone for the contests below!
The review of this week's BIG contests is here.
Monday goes like this:
5:40 - JRFM, Secret Word (4 pack passes to Playdome at BC Place on Spring Break)
6:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
6:05 - QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (Rod Stewart and Santana tix)
6:30 - CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
6:35 - BT, e-mail in to win a bike
7-9 - JRFM, Secret Word is said ($50 to Maple Ridge Liquor Store)
7:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
7:30 - Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:35 - BT, e-mail in to win a bike
7:40 - Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
8:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
8:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
8:20 - Jack, No Time to Google
8:35 - BT, e-mail in to win a bike
9:00 - Peak, Totem tix
9:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
9:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
10:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
10 - 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Joyride by Roxette)
11:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
11:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 - Peak, Totem tix
11:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
11-11:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Sweet Child o' Mine by Guns and Roses)
11:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
12:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
12:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
12:15 - JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 for Subway)
1:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
2:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 - Peak, Totem tix
2:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
2-2:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Wake Me Up by Avicii)
2:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
3:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
3:15 - Peak, $50 to Hard Rock Casino
4:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
4:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
4:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 - Sonic, qualify for a trip to Vegas for Spring Break
4-5 - JRFM, U-Turn traffic update ($50 to Maple Ridge Liquor Store)
4:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
5:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 - Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 - Peak, Totem tix
5:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
6:15 - Peak, tickets to Biltmore Cabaret's St. Patrick's Day party
6:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
7:00 - Peak, Totem tix
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to ?
As ever, good luck!
The review of this week's BIG contests is here.
Monday goes like this:
5:40 - JRFM, Secret Word (4 pack passes to Playdome at BC Place on Spring Break)
6:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
6:05 - QMFM, Wake Up and Win Words (Rod Stewart and Santana tix)
6:30 - CFOX, Stump the Show (tix to an event of your choice)
6:35 - BT, e-mail in to win a bike
7-9 - JRFM, Secret Word is said ($50 to Maple Ridge Liquor Store)
7:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
7:30 - Virgin, $1000 Minute
7:35 - BT, e-mail in to win a bike
7:40 - Rock 101, IQ Test
7:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
8:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
8:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
8:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
8:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
8:20 - Jack, No Time to Google
8:35 - BT, e-mail in to win a bike
9:00 - Peak, Totem tix
9:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
9:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
10:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
10 - 10:30, Jack, Win at Work name (after Joyride by Roxette)
11:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
11:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
11:00 - Peak, Totem tix
11:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
11-11:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Sweet Child o' Mine by Guns and Roses)
11:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
12:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
12:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
12:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to Vegas for Spring Break
12:15 - JRFM, Lunch Bite ($25 for Subway)
1:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
2:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
2:00 - Peak, Totem tix
2:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
2-2:30 - Jack, Win at Work name (after Wake Me Up by Avicii)
2:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
3:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
3:15 - Peak, $50 to Hard Rock Casino
4:00 - CFOX, Every Second Counts
4:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
4:09 - QMFM, Beat the Bank
4:10 - Sonic, qualify for a trip to Vegas for Spring Break
4-5 - JRFM, U-Turn traffic update ($50 to Maple Ridge Liquor Store)
4:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
5:00 - Virgin, Gold Digger
5:00 - Virgin, Fresh Five at Five ($50 for Subway)
5:00 - Peak, Totem tix
5:00 - Rock 101, High School Reunion tix
6:15 - Peak, tickets to Biltmore Cabaret's St. Patrick's Day party
6:40 - Jack, qualify for a trip to Vegas!
7:00 - Peak, Totem tix
8:10 - Sonic, qualify for trip to ?
As ever, good luck!
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