Friday, 25 October 2013

This one time at band camp..., no, no. Wrong story. This one time at Virgin Radio's Fake Film Festival, I had occasion to sit on a couch next to Nat, who was talking to Scooter. I must have been giving off some nasty vibes that night because both of them looked at me like I had barf on my costume before I even said anything. Yes, I was in the VIP section, no, I was not a VIP. Yes, I had a mask on, no, I wasn't drunk.

These poor radio people must constantly be harassed and approached by strangers as they are going about their daily lives, trying to blend in. But many people know what they look like thanks to their faces being plastered on the TV. Oh, and the fact that they were the announcers at their own party. Then there's that.

I'd had a bit to drink (okay, a lot) but the fact that I can remember it speaks to how sober I was! Things get a little blurry later (I probably drank more later so I'd forget what happened), and I don't actually remember the cab ride home. But I digress...

I was having a blast! If you've never been to the Fake Film Festival, you absolutely MUST try to win your way in! It's the only way to get in, short of shooting a ridiculously amazing 60 second film that scores you a spot on the Elite List. That will never be me. So I win the tickets, which they generously dole out for the month or two before the party.

And what a party! It's two hours of mingling and dancing and FUN! And as soon as the prizes are awarded, POOF! It's over, and the venue turns into a nightclub and all the Fake Film people disappear. Which is fine, and probably preferable, since you've already spoken to and perhaps offended most of the approachable people at the party.

So there I was, masked and happy, probably grinning like a fool, trying to think of something clever to say to Nat. Nope, I had nothing. I really should have something clever prepared for such occasions, but this is only a recent realization. I eventually managed some garbled sentence puctuated by giggles as I looked at the floor between our feet, and as I looked up with hope, somewhat like a lost puppy, I saw the looks on their faces. They were not impressed. Nat politely nodded and half smiled, while Scooter just stared blankly at me as if I hadn't spoken. Mercifully someone else whom they knew joined them and distracted their attention long enough for me to skulk away.

Before having kids, I think Nat and I could have been friends. I was very much like her, and even now as I listen to her stories I can hear myself telling similar ones in a time long since passed. Now I find myself relating more with Drew, especially as his daughter grows and he talks about the challenges he often faces with parents, parenting, and relationships. I especially love to hear what Erin has to say! I GET her, even though I'm nothing like her. I appreciate the person she is, and I value her thoughts about parenting because I think she has great views and advice, even if I don't agree with some of it for MY own situation (lax parenting style).

And I can't WAIT to see them at the next Fake Film Festival! I'm going armed with a list of anecdotes, clever ice breakers, and breath mints! And of course my cell phone, so I can pretend to get a call if I get tongue tied again...


  1. I remember that night and that VIP area. Unlike you I did not really know any of the hosts by looking at them but found by end of the night the adrenaline was wearing down and people looked ready to move on. Perhaps that was what you saw. Great night though, looking forward to the next one. I sure am a FakeFilmFest fan.
