Saturday, 30 November 2013

Stations doing good

This is the time of year where everyone feels the most charitable. They drop money into kettles, put food in food bank bins, and donate warm blankets and clothing to the homeless. We all try to help in some small way. Even a single loonie helps the food bank buy $3 worth of food! Have you ever stood in line at a food bank? Have you ever received a paper bag full of groceries? I have. Filled with shame and embarrassment despite being surrounded by people in the exact same situation, I stared at my shoes while I waited my turn. I was so grateful to receive that bag of food, even though I didn't normally eat the foods it contained. A bag of dried peas?? What was I supposed to do with THAT?! You know what? I learned pretty damned fast how to make pea soup! There was no Internet to help me then, but there was a recipe on the back of the bag. Luckily.

So I donate what I can whenever I can, but it doesn't usually occur to me to donate except during this time of year. This year I will try to remember to donate year round. After all, I was hungry every day too...

The radio stations do good all year long, and some go all out at Xmas. For example, Virgin Radio does a yearly Break and Enter - they choose one family from probably hundreds of nominees and give them a Xmas they will never forget. Presents, furniture, food, a tree, whatever they need. It's a wonderful, wonderful surprise for someone who doesn't expect it at all. And they do it live on air, so we get to experience the excitement right along with them. Very cool. It would be great to have the resources to pull that off. I would love to win one of those $500 Metropolis at Metrotown gift cards from Virgin and then spend the whole thing on making some stranger's Xmas wishes come true! Anonymously. I will keep you posted. Meanwhile, think about who you would nominate...

Other stations do good all year long, like the Peak and their Peak Action League. They go around cleaning and fixing up parks and beaches! Whaaaaaat?! That is so incredibly kind and generous. And so Vancouver! If you ever want to hang out with a bunch of cool people and do something for the community, join them - they always need volunteers! In fact, the next time they are near my 'hood I'm going to take them all some hot chocolate. I really appreciate them and their good deeds! Check the Peak website to see if they will be in YOUR neighbourhood!

Jack was taking donations for the food bank all week, even broadcasting on location in front of grocery stores. Thrifty Foods customers stepped up in a big way, and probably Jack listeners went out of their way to donate just so they could meet the radio personalities! I would have too, but they were nowhere near me and I can't afford the gas to go traipsing around town. If they come to my neighbourhood though, I will make a point of stopping by and saying hello (and donating, of course!)

Do what you can. Gave at the office? Thank you. But dropping even a single loonie or box of pasta into a bin goes a long way. I know I personally throw out more food in one day than some families have to eat. I'm going to think about that next time I see a donation box...

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Friday, Nov 29th schedule - more iPads!!!

It turns out that the Peak is giving away iPads again! Today!!! I will be tweeting the names as I hear them, so if you haven't signed up for Twitter yet, a free iPad should be enough enticement! Follow along at @contestsVan

Virgin's Santa Song of the Day was played at about 3:30 on Monday, then 1:30ish on Tuesday, then 4:30 Wednesday, and 1:00 Thursday. My guess is that it will be played early this time, before Nat and Drew are done for the day at 10:00.

Jack played Jingle Bells every two hours on the even hour on Wednesday. On Thursday it was every odd hour. What pattern will Friday bring??

The KCS* on Sonic is giving away $100 gift cards to Metropolis at Metrotown, and also XBox Ones. Tune in to win, or keep an eye on their Twitter feed. I will tweet if I hear anything, so follow me at @contestsVan  *Side note: Chelsea is no longer with the KCS. I think it came as a surprise to everyone, including her (judging by her tweets). She will be missed, but I'm sure she's on to bigger and better things! Change is good. Moving forward is good. Sometimes you don't see that right away though, so I hope she's ok.

5:40 - JRFM Secret Word ($100 to Hakim Optical for giving the word)

6:00 - QMFM Wake Up and Win (4 Holiday Festival on Ice tix and Il Divo tix)
7:00 - Peak, iPad name 
7-9 - Secret word is said on JRFM (Holiday Festival on Ice tix)
7:09 - QMFM, Lady Antebellum tix
7:30 - Virgin $1000 Minute
8:00 - Peak, iPad name
8:09 - QMFM Fast Five (win a Galaxy Tablet)
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:20 - Jack No Time to Google 
9:00 - Peak, iPad name
9:10 - Virgin, Disney on Ice tix
9:15 - The 1975 tix on Peak 
10:00 - Peak, iPad name
11:00 - Peak, iPad name
12:00 - Peak, iPad name
12:10 - Sonic Grammy's
1:00 - Peak, iPad name
2:00 - Peak, iPad name
2-7 - Virgin, Hedley tix
3:00 - Peak, iPad name
3-8 - QMFM, Il Divo tix 
4:00 - Peak, iPad name
4:00 - Virgin, Hedley tix
4-5 - JRFM U-Turn traffic update (Lady Antebellum tix)
5:00 - Peak, iPad name
5:10 - Sonic Grammy's
6:00 - Peak, iPad name
7:00 - Peak, iPad name
7:00 - Beat, Hedley tix 
7-10 - Virgin, Hedley tix
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:30 - Virgin, Nutcracker tix

This is the last week to qualify for Sonic's Grammy Nominees concert, so get in the draw if you want to daydream about a party in the USA! 

Good luck!

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Something's been bugging me...

...and I need to write it down to make sense of it.

What is bullying? Is it more than just physically threatening someone? Does it also include publicly shaming them? Does it include negative put downs? Would you consider it bullying if someone told you or your child that you weren't good enough, that you didn't meet expectations or perceived requirements, but they did so on line or in public?

Yes? I would consider that bullying too. So why, then, is it okay for the Conservative Party to repeatedly insult Trudeau with nationally aired commercials? I don't get it. It's not okay to bully children or coworkers, yet no one bats an eye when a politician is attacked. And by attacked I mean only verbally, insulted, berated, humiliated. On line as well as on air.  Imagine if someone were to do that to your child - plaster demeaning slander all over the Internet about them. Would we stand for it?

You can sue for libel, but you can't sue for bullying. That should be a "thing"...

Sorry, I just needed to write that down. I'm done now.


Sweet Pea(k) Thursday, Nov 28th

It's the last iPad Thursday at the Peak. I will be tweeting the names as I hear them, so if you haven't signed up for Twitter yet, a free iPad should be enough enticement! Follow along at @contestsVan

Virgin's Santa Song of the Day was played at about 3:30 on Monday, then 1:30ish on Tuesday, then 4:30 today. My guess is that it will be played early this Thursday. At least by noon, if not before 10.

Jack played Jingle Bells every two hours on the even hour on Wednesday. Let's see if there's a pattern on Thursday...

The KCS on Sonic is giving away $100 gift cards to Metropolis at Metrotown, and also XBox Ones. Tune in to win, or keep an eye on their Twitter feed. I will tweet if I hear anything, so follow me at @contestsVan 

5:40 - JRFM Secret Word ($100 to Hakim Optical for giving the word)

6:00 - QMFM Wake Up and Win (4 Holiday Festival on Ice tix and Il Divo tix)
6:10 - Breakfast Television (Cavalia tix)
7:00 - Peak, iPad name 
7-9 - Secret word is said on JRFM (Holiday Festival on Ice tix)
7:09 - QMFM, Lady Antebellum tix
7:30 - Virgin $1000 Minute
8:00 - Peak, iPad name
8:09 - QMFM Fast Five (win a Galaxy Tablet)
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:20 - Jack No Time to Google 
9:00 - Peak, iPad name
9:10 - Virgin, Disney on Ice tix
9:15 - The 1975 tix on Peak 
10:00 - Peak, iPad name
11:00 - Peak, iPad name
12:00 - Peak, iPad name
12:10 - Sonic Grammy's
1:00 - Peak, iPad name
2:00 - Peak, iPad name
2-7 - Virgin, Hedley tix
3:00 - Peak, iPad name
3-8 - QMFM, Il Divo tix 
4:00 - Peak, iPad name
4:00 - Virgin, Hedley tix
4-5 - JRFM U-Turn traffic update (Lady Antebellum tix)
5:00 - Peak, iPad name
5:10 - Sonic Grammy's
6:00 - Peak, iPad name
7:00 - Peak, iPad name
7:00 - Beat, Hedley tix 
7-10 - Virgin, Hedley tix
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:30 - Virgin, Nutcracker tix

This is the last week to qualify for Sonic's Grammy Nominees concert, so get in the draw if you want to daydream about a party in the USA! 

Good luck!

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Wednesday Replay, Nov 27 th

Same as Tuesday for the most part, and because it's past my bedtime, I'm just going to copy and paste. But double check the schedule, I added a few things...

The Virgin contest is ON - listen for the song of the day, be caller 9 to win a $500 Gift Card to Metropolis at Metrotown!!! EEEEEEEEE!!! Awesome!! Just in time for Xmas. But the contest goes right till the end of December, so hit the boxing sales or soothe yourself with some post-holiday pampering. SWEET!!! The song played at 3:30 on Monday. Guesses for Tuesday? 10-2 slot?

What's sweeter than $500 of shopping? If you have kids, it's taking your kids to Disneyland! I've never been there and my kids are the perfect age to get sucked into the magic, so I will knock over Granny to get in on this one! Luckily Granny is safe - the draw isn't until Dec 23rd so lots of time to qualify. Whew! Just listen for the Jingle Bells multiple times per day. Sadly, the times are not set so I can't put a reminder in my phone. But I will tune in throughout the day anyway, so... M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!

The Beat and QMFM have a ton of contests on their websites, just go and enter! Lots of movie passes, event tickets, etc. Beat kicks it up a notch next week.

JRFM has a wicked prize on their site too - a trip to Germany! You have to sign up as an OnLine Insider, but it's free and they don't email you crap so there's no reason not to. 

The KCS on Sonic is giving away $100 gift cards to Metropolis at Metrotown, and also XBox Ones. Tune in to win, or keep an eye on their Twitter feed. I will tweet if I hear anything, so follow me at @contestsVan 

5:40 - JRFM Secret Word ($100 to Hakim Optical for giving the word)

6:00 - QMFM Wake Up and Win (4 Holiday Festival on Ice tix and Il Divo tix)
7-9 - Secret word is said on JRFM (Holiday Festival on Ice tix)
7:09 - QMFM, Lady Antebellum tix
7:30 - Virgin $1000 Minute
7:50 - Peak Performance Project tix on Peak 
8:09 - QMFM Fast Five (win a Galaxy Tablet)
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:20 - Jack No Time to Google 
9:15 - The 1975 tix on Peak 
11:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
12:10 - Sonic Grammy's
1:15 - Jon and Roy's Holiday Special tix on Peak 
2-7 - Virgin, Hedley tix
3-8 - QMFM, Il Divo tix 
4-5 - JRFM U-Turn traffic update (Lady Antebellum tix)
4:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
5:10 - Sonic Grammy's
7:00 - Beat, Hedley tix 
7-10 - Virgin, Ballet BC tix
7:15 - Peak, tix to see John Butler Trio at The Commodore, Feb 15th
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
9-10 - Drake tix

This is the last week to qualify for Sonic's Grammy Nominees concert, so get in the draw if you want to daydream about a party in the USA! 

Good luck!

Monday, 25 November 2013

Tricky Tuesday, Nov 26th

The Virgin contest is ON - listen for the song of the day, be caller 9 to win a $500 Gift Card to Metropolis at Metrotown!!! EEEEEEEEE!!! Awesome!! Just in time for Xmas. But the contest goes right till the end of December, so hit the boxing sales or soothe yourself with some post-holiday pampering. SWEET!!! The song played at 3:30 on Monday. Guesses for Tuesday? 10-2 slot?

What's sweeter than $500 of shopping? If you have kids, it's taking your kids to Disneyland! I've never been there and my kids are the perfect age to get sucked into the magic, so I will knock over Granny to get in on this one! Luckily Granny is safe - the draw isn't until Dec 23rd so lots of time to qualify. Whew! Just listen for the Jingle Bells multiple times per day. Sadly, the times are not set so I can't put a reminder in my phone. But I will tune in throughout the day anyway, so... M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!

The Beat and QMFM have a ton of contests on their websites, just go and enter! Lots of movie passes, event tickets, etc. Beat kicks it up a notch next week.

JRFM has a wicked prize on their site too - a trip to Germany! You have to sign up as an OnLine Insider, but it's free and they don't email you crap so there's no reason not to. They are also giving away $75 Shell gas cards 3 times per day, so keep your ears open for that.

The KCS on Sonic is giving away $100 gift cards to Metropolis at Metrotown, and also XBox Ones. Tune in to win, or keep an eye on their Twitter feed. I will tweet if I hear anything, so follow me at @contestsVan 

5:40 - JRFM Secret Word ($100 to Hakim Optical for giving the word)
6:00 - QMFM Wake Up and Win Words (4 Holiday Festival on Ice tix)
7-9 - Secret word is said on JRFM (Holiday Festival on Ice tix)
7:09 - QMFM, Lady Antebellum tix
7:30 - Virgin $1000 Minute
7:50 - Peak Performance Project tix on Peak 
8:09 - QMFM Fast Five (win a Galaxy Tablet)
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:20 - Jack No Time to Google 
9:15 - The 1975 tix on Peak 
11:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
12:10 - Sonic Grammy's
1:15 - Jon and Roy's Holiday Special tix on Peak 
2-7 - Virgin, Hedley tix
3-8 - QMFM, Il Divo tix 
4-5 - JRFM U-Turn traffic update (Lady Antebellum tix)
4:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
5:10 - Sonic Grammy's
7:15 - Peak, tix to see John Butler Trio at The Commodore, Feb 15th
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's

This is the last week to qualify for Sonic's Grammy Nominees concert, so get in the draw if you want to daydream about a party in the USA! 

Good luck!

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Mellow Monday, Nov 24th

Well, looky here... a pretty tame start to the week, no?! More will be added as the day goes by, but until then the morning has the usual options.

Mike and Tara over at QMFM are giving away a tablet, some Holiday Festival on Ice tickets, and a pair of Lady Antebellum tickets. What is given away when is a mystery that will unfold as the morning rolls on...

Nat and Drew at Virgin also have an exciting contest announcement. If it's the same as last year, it'll be a $500 Metropilis at Metrotown gift certificate. It's perfect timing - your Xmas shopping could be done before December hits. I won this last year and I can't tell you how freaking wonderful it is to walk into the mall and buy whatever you want! I had lost a bunch of weight so I bought myself a new wardrobe at H & M, a properly fitting bra and amazing bikinis at Change, and left $100 on the card for my husband. Do you know what he bought? You'll never guess! Hats. Yup, hats for the whole family. Do you know who wears hats in our family? Yup, just him. So the toques and ball caps he bought for us sit untouched in the basement. He gets a lot of mileage out of the one he bought for himself though (Canucks ball cap). Lesson: spend it all yourself! :D

But I got a little ahead of myself there - I don't even know if that's what they are giving away! Fingers crossed I'm right!!!

5:40 - JRFM Secret Word 
6:00 - QMFM Wake Up and Win Words 
7-9 - Secret word is said on JRFM 
7:09 - QMFM, Lady Antebellum tix
7:30 - Virgin $1000 Minute
7:40 - Jack Bahamas
7:50 - Peak Performance Project tix on Peak 
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:15 - Beat Punta Cana
8:20 - Jack No Time to Google 
9:15 - The 1975 tix on Peak 
11:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
12:10 - Sonic Grammy's
1:15 - Jon and Roy's Holiday Special tix on Peak 
4-5 - JRFM U-Turn traffic update (Lady Antebellum tix)
4:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
5:10 - Sonic Grammy's
7:15 - Peak, tix to see John Butler Trio at The Commodore, Feb 15th
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's

This is the last week to qualify for Sonic's Grammy Nominees concert, and Kiah and TaraJean at Jack give away their final Bahamian Odyssey trip. I'm not in the draw this week so I'm not especially excited about the draw, but I'm super excited to hear what they're up to next!

And what do Beat and Shore have up their sleeves this week? Hmmmmm....

Friday, 22 November 2013

A list of things I've won

People are often curious about how much I've won, and I always tell them "lots". But if asked to list them all, I can't. There have been too many wins over too many years (probably 7 years of contests), and I probably can't even remember some of them. But I can tell you my most memorable wins (in no particular order - they were all great!).

1) airfare for 2 to Honolulu
2) all-inclusive trip to Mexico
3) Merritt Mountain Music Fest all-inclusive tix
4) concert tix - Kiss, Alan Jackson, Buble, Pretenders, Rihanna, etc.
5) Event passes - Virgin Radio's Fake Film Fest, Capilano Suspension Bridge Xmas, Disney on Ice, Sesame Street Elmo Makes Music,Backyardigans
6) River rafting excursion for two
7) Jet skiing tour for four
8) Date night package - fancy dinner gift certificate and two tickets to a play
9) Nutcracker ballet tix
10) faux diamond earrings
11) Restaurant gift certificates
12) Canucks tickets and jerseys
13) $1000
14) $600
15) $800
16) $1000

Keep in mind that this is over several years and with GREAT effort. For every win, I called/emailed/tweeted/applied dozens and dozens of times. With patience and persistence comes reward. Some were radio wins, others were Twitter, Facebook or TV contests. Some were even raffles wins!

One of my favourite prizes was an electric, programmable kettle. I use it every single day, and it's something that I would never have been able to afford to buy myself. It's one of my treasured possessions. LOL!

If you feel like sharing, I'd love to hear about YOUR favourite thing you've won! How did you win it and why do you love it?

Thursday, 21 November 2013

TGIF, Nov 21st

Sometime this morning, Nat and Drew will draw a name and then call the winner of Pop, Shop and Drop. I can't even imagine what it would be like to get a phone call like that! I would probably swear,  so it's a good thing they pre-record it and edit before airing.

Sonic will be giving away Ellie Goulding tix and an X-Box One (?) during #KCS. Not sure what times they will happen, but will tweet if I hear.

JRFM Secret Word prize is Disney on Ice tix. Jack also has some at 8:20, but you have to think fast to win those ones!

Wailers tix every morning on Jack, and Ellie Goulding tix on Beat with Chris Palliser (9-2?). 

5:40 - JRFM Secret Word (Abbotsford Heat tix for supplying the word)

6:00 - QMFM Wake Up and Win Words (Opera tix probably, possibly Disney Ice)
6:40 - Lady Antebellum tix on JRFM (make them say tsk tsk)
7-9 - Secret word is said on JRFM (Disney on Ice tickets) 
7:10 - JT tix on Beat
7:30 - Virgin $1000 Minute
7:30 - Shore draw for DMB in Buenos Aires
7:40 - Jack Bahamas
7:50 - Peak Performance Project tix on Peak 
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:15 - Beat Punta Cana
8:20 - Jack No Time to Google (Disney on Ice tix)
9:15 - The 1975 tix on Peak 
9:40 - Jack Bahamas
11:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
11:40 - Jack Bahamas
12:10 - Sonic Grammy's
1:15 - Jon and Roy's Holiday Special tix on Peak 
2:40 - Jack Bahamas
3:10 - JT tix on Beat 
4-5 - JRFM U-Turn traffic update (Lady Antebellum tix)
4:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
4:40 - Jack Bahamas
5:10 - Sonic Grammy's
6:40 - Jack Bahamas
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's

There are also Science World passes, Steve Aoki tix, etc with the afternoon and evening DJs, but I don't know what times those happen. Once the kids are home I don't get much time to listen to the radio, but I will tweet if I see or hear about it.  

And when the new Shore and Virgin contests are announced, I will write a new post about them. Maybe tomorrow???

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

It's iPad Thursday!!!

If you aren't signed up as a Peak VIP, then this doesn't apply to you. But if you ARE a VIP, then WOOOOHOOOO!!! This might be your lucky day! Listen every hour ON the hour between 7 am and 7 pm. If the Peak calls your name, you have 10 minutes to call them back. If you miss it, check my Twitter feed - I will tweet every one I hear. @contestsvan

Strangely, this is the last day to get into the draw for not only Shore's trip to Buenos Aires but also for Virgin's Pop, Shop and Drop! Both draws will be done Friday morning. I am super curious to see what each of them have coming up next! 

Sonic will be giving away Ellie Goulding tix and an X-Box One (?) during #KCS. Not sure what  times they will happen, but will tweet if I hear.

JRFM Secret Word prize is Disney on Ice tix. Jack also has some at 8:20, but you have to think fast to win those ones!

Virgin's Pop, Shop, and Drop times will be included in the schedule after 8. 

Wailers tix every morning on Jack, and Ellie Goulding tix on Beat with Chris Palliser (9-2?). 

5:40 - JRFM Secret Word (Abbotsford Heat tix for supplying the word)

6:00 - QMFM Wake Up and Win Words (Opera tix probably, possibly Disney Ice)
6-7 - Shore DMB 
6:40 - Lady Antebellum tix on JRFM (you have to make them LOL to win!)
7:00 - Peak iPad
7-9 - Secret word is said on JRFM (Disney on Ice tickets) 
7:10 - JT tix on Beat
7:30 - Virgin $1000 Minute
7:40 - Jack Bahamas
7:50 - Peak Performance Project tix on Peak 
8:00 - Peak iPad 
8:00 - Nat and Drew announce Pink's Song of the Day (Get the Party Started)
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:15 - Beat Punta Cana
8:20 - Jack No Time to Google (Disney on Ice tix)
9:00 - Peak iPad
9:15 - The 1975 tix on Peak 
9:40 - Jack Bahamas
10:00 - Peak iPad
11:00 - Peak iPad
11-12 - Shore DMB 
11:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
11:40 - Jack Bahamas
12:00 - Peak iPad
12:10 - Sonic Grammy's
12:50 - Virgin Pink song
1:00 - Peak iPad
1-2 - Shore DMB
1:15 - Jon and Roy's Holiday Special tix on Peak 
2:00 - Peak iPad
2:40 - Jack Bahamas
3:00 - Peak iPad
3:10 - JT tix on Beat 
4:00 - Peak iPad
4-5 - JRFM U-Turn traffic update (Lady Antebellum tix)
4:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
4:40 - Jack Bahamas
5:00 - Peak iPad
5:00 - Virgin Pink song
5:10 - Sonic Grammy's
6:00 - Peak iPad
6-7 - Shore DMB
6:40 - Jack Bahamas
7:00 - Peak iPad
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
9:40 - Virgin Pink song

A busy day, going to have to be sharp! I'd better set my iPhone alarms now...

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Ways to win $1000

Would you like to win $1000?? Me too. But there's a catch: I'm neither male, nor sharp, nor interested in jewelry. How about you?

Ways to win:

1) Shore's Movember contest - send them a picture of your stache and you're in! You could win a $1000 Ticketmaster gift certificate - certainly nothing to sneeze at! Think of all the things you could see with that. I don't think putting on a fake one qualifies, but maybe I'll give it a try. Never any harm in trying, and they might even have a laugh! Check their website to enter:

2) Tell Sonic about an apology you need to make to your significant other and you might win $1000. But you have to spend it on a certain type of jewelry at a specific store. Still, if you or your partner are into glitz, you would love that prize! Enter on their website.

3) Call Virgin at 7:30ish to play $1000 Minute, the rapid fire trivia game. It's not impossible, it just takes more brain power than I have at that hour. I've yelled answers at the radio, but ultimately I only get 7 or 8 right on a good day. So you get $10 for each right answer - that's a nice dinner at least!

Go play! And good luck!

Wed Nov 20th schedule

I've run out of clever titles for my posts, so I will just use the dates for titles. Extra posts will be titled more interestingly. I hope.

Sonic will be giving away Ellie Goulding tix and an X-Box One (?) during #KCS. Not sure what times they will happen, but will tweet if I hear.

JRFM Secret Word prize is Disney on Ice tix. Jack also has some at 8:20, but you have to think fast to win those ones!

Virgin's Pop, Shop, and Drop times will be included in the schedule after 8. 

Wailers tix every morning on Jack, and Ellie Goulding tix on Beat with Chris Palliser (9-2?). I saw Ellie when she opened for Bruno Mars - she's GREAT!

5:40 - JRFM Secret Word (Abbotsford Heat tix for supplying the word)

6:00 - QMFM Wake Up and Win Words (Opera tix probably, possibly Disney Ice)
6-9 - Lady Antebellum tix on JRFM
7-9 - Secret word is said on JRFM (Disney on Ice tickets) 
7:10 - JT tix on Beat
7:30 - Virgin $1000 Minute
7:40 - Jack Bahamas
7:50 - Peak Performance Project tix on Peak 
8:00 - Nat and Drew announce Pink's Song of the Day (Raise Your Glass)
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:15 - Beat Punta Cana
8:20 - Jack No Time to Google (Disney on Ice tix)
9-10 - Shore DMB
9:15 - The 1975 tix on Peak 
9:40 - Jack Bahamas
11:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
11:25 - Virgin Pink song
11:40 - Jack Bahamas
12-1 - Shore DMB
12:10 - Sonic Grammy's
1:15 - Jon and Roy's Holiday Special tix on Peak 
2-3 - Shore DMB
2:40 - Jack Bahamas
3:10 - JT tix on Beat 
4-5 - JRFM U-Turn traffic update (Lady Antebellum tix)
4:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
4:40 - Jack Bahamas
4:50 - Virgin Pink song
5-6 - Shore DMB 
5:10 - Sonic Grammy's
6:40 - Jack Bahamas
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
9:20 - Virgin Pink song

I am sorely missing our regular scheduled contests like 5 for 5 and Gold Digger. I am appreciating Sonic and Jack keeping us on schedule! 

Monday, 18 November 2013

Tues, Nov 19 schedule

JRFM Secret Word prize is Disney on Ice tix. Jack also has some at 8:20, but you have to think fast to win those ones!

Mike and Tara have a wonderful Disney on Ice Family Night Out prize this week - 4 tickets to the show plus dinner, etc. 

Virgin's Pop, Shop, and Drop times will be included in the schedule after 8. 

Wailers tix every morning on Jack, and Ellie Goulding tix on Beat with Chris Palliser (9-2?). I saw Ellie when she opened for Bruno Mars - she's GREAT!

5:40 - JRFM Secret Word (Abbotsford Heat tix for supplying the word)

6:00 - QMFM Wake Up and Win Words (Opera tix)
7:00 - Shore concert announcement with tix
7-8 - Lady Antebellum tix on JRFM
7-9 - Secret word is said on JRFM (Disney on Ice tickets) 
7:10 - JT tix on Beat
7:30 - Virgin $1000 Minute
7:30 - Canucks tix on Beat
7:40 - Jack Bahamas

7:50 - Peak Performance Project tix on Peak 
8:00 - Nat and Drew announce Pink's Song of the Day 
8-9 - Shore DMB
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:15 - Beat Punta Cana
8:20 - Jack No Time to Google (Disney on Ice tix)
9:15 - The 1975 tix on Peak 
9:40 - Jack Bahamas
10-11 - Shore DMB
11:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
11:40 - Jack Bahamas
12:10 - Sonic Grammy's
1:15 - Jon and Roy's Holiday Special tix on Peak 
2-3 - Shore DMB
2:30 - Virgin Pink song (Don't Let Me Get Me)
2:40 - Jack Bahamas
3:10 - JT tix on Beat 
4-5 - JRFM U-Turn traffic update (Lady Antebellum tix)
4:15 - Peak, The Head and The Heart tix
4:40 - Jack Bahamas
5:10 - Sonic Grammy's
6-7 Shore DMB
6:40 - Jack Bahamas
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:50 - Virgin Pink song 

All sorts of things were given out by Monday night DJ's - Canucks tickets, Michael Buble tix, other concert tix. I don't know if they are on a regular schedule (I don't think so), but they usually post on FB or Twitter when they might do it. All the more reason to join Twitter! And then follow me: @contestsvan

As ever, good luck! 

Weekend Rap-Up, Nov 18

Thank you, Kid Carson Show (#KCS) for inspiring me (and probably others) to wax poetic about our weekends. It is a creative outlet, and it's therapeutic to revisit what we've done and where we've been. Write about it, let it go. And some day go back and read our silly poems to relive it!

My Weekend Rap-Up:

After another long week
Of carting around the kids
Mama needed a break
Before she lost her lid!

A weekend with some girlfriends
Was just what the doctor ordered.
So I readied the house
And got the kids sorted.

Cleaned the kitchen
Did the laundry
So everything was tidy
For all and sundry.

Headed out to North Van
Cracked my first beer at 3
Got to fully relax
No one needed me!

Chit chat with some ladies
The wine was flowing freely
Went dancing at the Roxy
Where boys were touchy feely

We flashed our wedding rings
To give them the hint
Shook our heads, said no no
And off they went.

A cab to North Shore
Is not easy to get
A designated driver
Is your best bet!

Sunday morning was rough
Till the fog lifted around noon
Won't be doing that again
Anytime soon!


Sunday, 17 November 2013

Move over Sunday, Monday's the Funday!

Kiah and Tara Jean will announce the 3rd winner of Jack's Bahamian Odyssey this morning at 8:10 (pleasebemepleasebemepleasebeme!) After that, one more draw, so if you didn't win this time, try again.

If you entered even ONE 5 for 5 word, you are in the draw. If I don't win, I hope you do. They will call the winner and record it, then play it at 8:10. If your phone hasn't rung by 8:05, someone else won. 

Mike and Tara have a wonderful Disney on Ice Family Night Out prize this week - 4 tickets to the show plus dinner, etc. I don't know yet if it will be a Wake Up and Win prize, but will add it to the schedule when I find out.

Virgin's Pop, Shop, and Drop times will be included in the schedule after 8. 

Wailers tix every morning on Jack, and Ellie Goulding tix on Beat with Chris Palliser (9-2?). I saw Ellie when she opened for Bruno Mars - she's GREAT!

5:40 - JRFM Secret Word (Abbotsford Heat tix for supplying the word)
6:00 - QMFM Wake Up and Win Words (Disney on Ice prize pack) 
6-7 - JRFM Lady Atebellum tix
6:20 - Buble tix on Jack
7-9 - Secret word is said on JRFM (Disney on Ice tickets) 
7:10 - JT tix on Beat
7:30 - Virgin $1000 Minute
7:40 - Jack Bahamas

7:50 - Peak Performance Project tix on Peak 
8:00 - Nat and Drew announce Pink's Song of the Day - "U and Ur Hand"
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:15 - Beat Punta Cana
8:20 - Jack No Time to Google (Disney on Ice tix)
9-10 - Shore DMB
9:15 - The 1975 tix on Peak 
9:40 - Jack Bahamas
11:40 - Jack Bahamas
12-1 - Shore DMB
12:10 - Sonic Grammy's
1:15 - Jon and Roy's Holiday Special tix on Peak 
1:35 - Virgin Pink song 
2:40 - Jack Bahamas
3:10 - JT tix on Beat 
4-5 Shore DMB
4-5 - JRFM U-Turn traffic update (Lady Antebellum tix)
4:40 - Jack Bahamas
6:00 - Virgin Pink song 
6-7 Shore DMB 
6:40 - Jack Bahamas
5:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
9:30 - Virgin Pink song

As ever, good luck! 

5 for 5 words, Sunday Nov 17th

Tuesday, November 12: 7am
Wednesday, November 13: 7am
Thursday, November 14: 7am
Friday, November 15: 7am
Saturday, November 16: 7am
Sunday, November 17: 7am
Are you currently looking for any of the following types of insurance?

Friday, 15 November 2013

Disney on Ice, Paying it Forward

I have an extra pair of tickets to Disney on Ice coming up at the end of December. I'd like to give them to someone who couldn't otherwise afford to go, maybe a struggling single mom or a financially down couple with child(ren).

If you know someone who would love to go but simply canNOT afford it, please let me know in the Comments section or send me an email:

A few years ago I spent a lot of time and money helping people at Xmas. When I met them, many were neither needy nor grateful. This time, I'd like to keep it anonymous and have the tickets couriered to the recipient.

Please note that the show starts later, around 7 or 7:30, and won't end until 9 or so. It can be a late-ish night, and some parents are pretty strict with bedtimes. Luckily, I'm not one of those parents, so we are definitely going! LOL!

Paying it Forward,
Contests Vancouver

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Friday the 15th

This week just ZOOMED by! Still one day to win something fun. Any one of these prizes would make a great Xmas present, don't you think? 

5:40 - JRFM Secret Word (4 tix to Giants or 2 tix to Giggle Dam Dinner Theatre)
7:00 - JRFM 5 for 5
7:00 - Virgin code word, text it to 99999, you may win $250
7:00 - JRFM Lady Antebellum tix
7:00 - Jack Shaggy tickets 
7:09 - Buble tix on QMFM 
7:10 - JT tix on Beat
7:10 - Buble tix on Virgin
7:30 - Virgin $1000 Minute
7:40 - Jack Bahamas

7:50 - Miley Cyrus tix on Sonic 
8:00 - Nat and Drew announce Song of the Day (Try)
8-9 - Shore DMB
8:09 - QMFM JT tix
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
8:15 - Peak, City and Colour PLUS Half Moon Run tix!
8:15 - Beat Punta Cana
8:20 - Jack No Time to Google (Michael Buble tix)
8:45 - Beat Miley Cyrus tickets
9:10 - Miley Cyrus tix on Virgin 
9:40 - Virgin Pink song 
9:40 - Jack Bahamas
11:00 - JRFM 5 for 5
11-12 - Shore DMB 
11:40 - Jack Bahamas
12:10 - Sonic Grammy's
1:30 - Virgin Pink song
2:00 - JRFM 5 for 5
2-3 - Shore DMB
2:40 - Jack Bahamas
3:09 - QMFM Buble tix 
3:10 - JT tix on Beat
4:10 - Virgin, Buble tix
4:40 - Jack Bahamas
5:00 - JRFM 5 for 5
5:00 - Virgin Pink song
5-6 - Shore DMB 
5:10 - Sonic Grammy's
6:40 - Jack Bahamas
7:00 - JRFM 5 for 5
8:10 - Sonic Grammy's
9:10 - Virgin Pink song

The Pop, Shop and Drop song for today, tomorrow, and also Sunday, is Pink's Try (looooove that song!) Check tomorrow's post for times.

As always, good luck! And let me know if you win!

Good luck!