This is the time of year where everyone feels the most charitable. They drop money into kettles, put food in food bank bins, and donate warm blankets and clothing to the homeless. We all try to help in some small way. Even a single loonie helps the food bank buy $3 worth of food! Have you ever stood in line at a food bank? Have you ever received a paper bag full of groceries? I have. Filled with shame and embarrassment despite being surrounded by people in the exact same situation, I stared at my shoes while I waited my turn. I was so grateful to receive that bag of food, even though I didn't normally eat the foods it contained. A bag of dried peas?? What was I supposed to do with THAT?! You know what? I learned pretty damned fast how to make pea soup! There was no Internet to help me then, but there was a recipe on the back of the bag. Luckily.
So I donate what I can whenever I can, but it doesn't usually occur to me to donate except during this time of year. This year I will try to remember to donate year round. After all, I was hungry every day too...
The radio stations do good all year long, and some go all out at Xmas. For example, Virgin Radio does a yearly Break and Enter - they choose one family from probably hundreds of nominees and give them a Xmas they will never forget. Presents, furniture, food, a tree, whatever they need. It's a wonderful, wonderful surprise for someone who doesn't expect it at all. And they do it live on air, so we get to experience the excitement right along with them. Very cool. It would be great to have the resources to pull that off. I would love to win one of those $500 Metropolis at Metrotown gift cards from Virgin and then spend the whole thing on making some stranger's Xmas wishes come true! Anonymously. I will keep you posted. Meanwhile, think about who you would nominate...
Other stations do good all year long, like the Peak and their Peak Action League. They go around cleaning and fixing up parks and beaches! Whaaaaaat?! That is so incredibly kind and generous. And so Vancouver! If you ever want to hang out with a bunch of cool people and do something for the community, join them - they always need volunteers! In fact, the next time they are near my 'hood I'm going to take them all some hot chocolate. I really appreciate them and their good deeds! Check the Peak website to see if they will be in YOUR neighbourhood!
Jack was taking donations for the food bank all week, even broadcasting on location in front of grocery stores. Thrifty Foods customers stepped up in a big way, and probably Jack listeners went out of their way to donate just so they could meet the radio personalities! I would have too, but they were nowhere near me and I can't afford the gas to go traipsing around town. If they come to my neighbourhood though, I will make a point of stopping by and saying hello (and donating, of course!)
Do what you can. Gave at the office? Thank you. But dropping even a single loonie or box of pasta into a bin goes a long way. I know I personally throw out more food in one day than some families have to eat. I'm going to think about that next time I see a donation box...
So well put!