So... did any of you catch the new Z95.3 morning show??? What did you think? Feel free to speak (or email me) candidly...
The following paragraph(s) are my take. Please stop reading now if you think you might be offended or insulted. This is an opinion piece, and reflects only my own personal reality. Your experience may have, and undoubtedly was, different.
I was expecting more, I think. I had visions of the Friends gang chatting over coffee at Central Perk, or at least some warmth or...or...I don't know what! But maybe I had unreal expectations - after all, these people had only just met each other (from what I gather). They will need time to settle in, get to know each other, get comfortable and familiar with their new audience.
It might be a good idea to lock them in a room at Exit in Richmond so they can do some team building and then have a shared experience they can laugh about on air...
Of course I will give them another listen, probably a LOT of other listens, as it's not fair to judge a show or its hosts after just one day, a measly four hours. But I feel like I didn't get to know them at ALL today! This is an odd complaint - and probably completely opposite of most radio show complaints - but they played too much music! LOL! I was waiting for more get-to-know-us banter. The few exchanges I heard were a bit contrived, even awkward, and they sounded like they were trying too hard.
Ruby and Cruise both have somewhat high and exuberant voices (can I call a voice exuberant??) so their conversations seemed rushed and overexcited. Maybe they will calm down in the coming weeks once they find their groove.
There was a time this morning when I left the room to do something and when I got back I thought my husband had changed the station to The Beat! GAH!! So they brought in a Beat-ish crew to compete with The Beat - makes perfect sense, actually. They are looking for a younger, hipper, cooler audience that can relate to them.
I may now be too old for this station...
Yes they are trying to compete with The Beat, and maybe knock out the Sonic morning show too. They sound fine, only time will tell if they can bring an audience over. The two hosts need to talk more about the struggles of being a young person today, although having said that, they were brought in from back East. So they have brought success here and a good track record, Give them a little time.