Friday, 27 September 2013

Do radio stations have call display?

Well, do they? How would I know! LOL! They might have some software or system that logs the calls, records the numbers, shows who the number is registered to. I seem to recall one host reciting my number to me and I was surprised she knew it. And another time, one called me back! I hadn't given her my number. So yes, probably they DO have call display of some sort.

So when I call, it shows my name and number. Is that why they tell me I'm caller 8? They don't want me to play again? Even though if you lose they say "you can always try again!"? That would be...shitty!

Then let's discuss WHY radio stations have contests in the first place:

1) advertising - companies "buy" radio advertising by offering up prizes for listeners. So the radio says "Play Gold Digger, brought to you by so-and-so", or "Your Happy Thoughts brought to you by the North Shore Auto Mall". See what happened there? I couldn't remember who brings us Gold Digger, but I do remember the Happiness ad. Hmmmmm...

2) self promotion - do the companies that own the radio stations actually fork out the cash for prizes to gain listeners? Doubt it. But I can tell you that I do end up listening to those stations that offer good prizes! Really, I do! And I tell all my friends about them. So if they get more listeners, they get more advertisers, and therefore they get more money. Huh.

Okay, let's face it, radio stations are businesses. And businesses need to make money. And they do so by getting more listeners. To entice people to listen to their station and not XYZ, they have contests. Do they care WHO wins? I'm sure they'd like to spread the wealth around and not have the same people winning all the time. But each station gives away HUNDREDS of prizes each month. Hundreds. And how many people do YOU know that actually call in and try to win stuff? I don't know any. At all. I am the ONLY person I know who ever calls radio stations, and I know hundreds of people. Probably thousands.

What was my point? Oh yes, radio stations may or may not have call display, they may or may not care who wins, and they may or may not have associated my phone number with a frequent caller. Have I been flagged? Forever behind the 8 ball? *weep*

Time to get an unlisted number... LOL!

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