Tuesday, 24 September 2013

September contests: Beat and Peak

BEAT (Thebeat.com)

I don't have much to say about The Beat. Their morning show tries too hard. But I really like host Chris Palliser, so will tune in to him occasionally. They seem to have put all their eggs in one basket this month: $15,000 Thursdays. They change one person's life once per week (can you imagine winning $15,000?!) but even $1,000 can change someone's life. Spread the love?

Anyway, at 8:10 they put out the cue to call, and caller 94 wins. It takes about 15 minutes to get to caller 94. I don't even start calling till 8:15 (because I'm usually trying to get through on QMFM for Beat the Bank! Ha ha!) I only half listen to the show between songs, only long enough to hear what caller they're on. I'm sure they are really nice people, but it just sounds like they are trying too hard to be funny. My least favourite morning show.

Also this week, they are giving away Justin Timberlake tickets at 11:10. Caller 25. Good luck!

PEAK (The Peak)

I have much respect for Peak. Much respect. They play a wonderful mix of eclectic music, folksy and funky and cool. My husband listens to them a lot, and always tells me about stuff he hears. I like Cory and Laurie in the mornings, they are just...cool. And I am not. So it makes me feel cooler to listen to them. I'm not cool very often though, because I have to listen to other stations while they are on!

This month The Peak is giving away Discover BC trips -  mini vacations close to home. Last week it was a trip to an Okanagan winery, this week it's a trip to Vernon. Neither interests me very much, I'm holding out for the trip to the Island (assuming there will be one!!)

All you have to do is listen for them to give you a word, then you enter it in your account (free to be a member, easy to enter the draw). At 5:15 every day, they draw the name of a potential winner. That person has 10 minutes to call back. If they don't, they draw another name. Fun! I like that they have a trip EVERY DAY. A cool contest for a cool station...

See their website for more info. They also have a bunch of other cool things you can win, like movie passes and concert tickets. Go enter!!

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